Sunday 4th December 2011 Suva

Today we sailed into Suva which is built around a reef protected natural harbour, which we were able to dock at...Suva with its colonial buildings nestled alongside modern commercial venues,shops and local markets, parks and residential sprawls,is home to nearly half of Fiji's urban population.

Suva is the capital and largest city of Fiji. It is located on the southeast coast of the island of  Viti Levu, in the central division, Rewa Province. In 1877, it was decided to make Suva the capital of Fiji when the geography of former main European settlement at  Levuka on the island of  Ovalan proved too restrictive. The administration of the colony was moved from Levuka to Suva in 1882.

The Fijians have a highly developed culture that is truly amazing.Their building skills were impressive, from sleek, double-hulled canoes that could hold up to 200 men, to elegantly thatched temples woven of pandamus leaves. They also produce copra cordage,eleborate weapons, intricately carved wooden bowls and pottery, and beautiful tapa cloth from bark.

Entering the harbour early morning....

After breakfast we got off the ship and went for a walk around had to be careful here as some of the people were not very nice .. we noticed someone following us...and after a while Pat noticed that he was getting very close to us and next thing she felt the movement of the backpack and turned around and confronted him as she could see he had her water bottle and made him give it back to her...other Fijians saw him and yelled at him and they came across the road and grabbed him ( we did not see anything further as we just kept walking to the town).

After walking for a while and taking in the sights , it was once again very warm and humid...we sat down for a rest...

Just across the road we noticed a taxi parked and approached him and asked how much he would charge to show us around, I wanted to see the local waterfalls and we asked how far etc.. he said not far and once out of the car the walk to falls also not too far.. so after coming to a price of $20 return we all headed out to the falls...

You have to take note that the only air conditioning in these old cabs is all the windows down :(

He was really good, he drove us around and showed us the rest of the sights on our way to the falls. The road, once we entered where the falls were situated was like a goat track.. we really needed a 4 wheel drive...god help us if it had rained we would have never got out...

once there, he decided to come with us as a tour guide...

Remember he said it was an easy walk to the falls..and I might add I only had sandles on...

Hummm you needed to be a mountain goat...lots of steps going DOWN so I was thinking hummm I have to come back up all these...and me being hopeless walking a slight hill as I get angina ... it wasn't looking good... but not wanting to spoil it for the others I plodded along...

It was extremely difficult under foot as it was a rain forest and the ground was damp, and the roots from the trees in the path were very slippy, I fell at one stage and Pat managed to catch me before I landed on my bum in the mud... John not so lucky he also went down and came up with a muddy bum...
We finally got to a small waterfall, which I thought was it... but the guide said NO it's further on ..but at this stage John said No ... that I wasn't to go any further..and I agreed...I told them to carry on and I would wait but they said no.. we will stick together so we returned back to the car...the guide was good as he held my hand and helped me up all the hill inclines as some were quite steep and John was at the back of me making sure I didn't fall... I'm so blessed to be looked after so well..

We headed back to the ship stopping at a lookout and viewing the ship moored at the dock

We said our goodbyes to our tour guide and headed back on to the ship..

Tonight is a casual night for dinner and we were thankful for that after such a hectic day, after dinner once again we strolled the decks and checked out the amazing sunsets...

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